Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Lazy Days of Summer

Wowza! Summer has flown by. I've had a bit of an emotional couple of days. I got used to waking up every morning this summer and being able to go in and talk to my mom or younger sister while enjoying a plethora of breakast foods supplied by fabulous parents. After saying goodbye to my family Sunday evening and Monday morning I made the 14 hour drive back to Utah by myself.

Tuesday evening was espeically rough when I had to say goodbye to my best friend Crystal. It was a bittersweet evening that I knew would happen but was hoping the days would drag on and be prolonged. Crystal was set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in her living room with  the people she holds dear in her life. I'm pretty sure I was crying more than she was but hey, that's who I am, a cryer. I am really excited for her to serve in Georgia and I know she will make such an amazing missionary. I know she has a lot of dishearteneing but also spiritually euphoric experiences in the next 18 months. I think that's why I was so emotional about the whole thing. I was having flashbacks of my own mission and the wonderful people I was able to meet and share my testimony of the gospel with. It's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. The only downside is puting our adventures together on hold while she has one for herself. I know she is going to come back even more amazing than she already is and I'm excited for that.

In other news our family reunion was a success! Can I tell you that our talent shows have drastically changed and improved since the last time I attended? AND we got all of the talents done in 45 minutes? Pretty fabulous, right? Our reunion was so much fun and since we had all of our cousins on my dad's side there (excpet for one sick cousin and her husband who were really missed) we made a music video to the ever so popular Summer 2012 hit "Call Me Maybe." And don't worry, you can view it here. It's pretty fabulous! It was basically the best Wallowa Lake family reunion we've ever had and our video sums it up!

But wait, there's more. Since the adults of the group (aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, and my brother-in-law) saw our video on talent night and decided they couldn't be the only ones without a cool video, my fantastically talented cousin Kelsie and I filmed and edited a video just for them. Can I tell you that I have never laughed so hard in my entire life? Everyone got into it including my seventy-something year-old grandparents. Let me tell you, they got some moves! You can  view their video here. Hopefully there's bonus footage to come!

Life is a little overwhelming right now with me getting ready to teach 6th grade for the first time this year and being thrown back into reality after a wonderful Summer with my wonderful family. I will keep you posted on all that life has to bring in the next little while!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nutshellin' it!

So, okay, it's been awhile, I know. I'm trying to be better! Anyways, life is crazy right now. Summer is here but it's crammed full of crazy. I said goodbye to my 3rd graders at the end of June which dang near killed me. I kept it together until the very last group of kids left and I started crying. I have so many amazing memories of them and I will never forget my first group of kids. They're etched on my heart!

The good news is, I got a new job! I'll be teaching 6th grade next year! Am I wetting my pants a little about it? Yes, yes I am. I've heard from other people that once I teach it I'll love it but we'll see! I try not to think about it too much or it stresses me out. Don't worry, I'm sure my mad rap skills and singing will win them over in a heartbeat. Holla! 

Now, in my immediate future I have a family reunion coming up which will be a blast! I've literally been going to these reunions with my dad's side of the family since I was in diapers. I have sooooo many wonderful memories of these vacations. I'm currently working on my talent for our annual talent show. We literally have countless hours of video talents throughout the years. My siblings, cousins, and my talent involved a play. Could we stick to a normal fairy tale story line and perform it in a nutshell? Oh no, we would spend days working on these plays and everyone always played the same role. Kelsie was the prince, Chelsey the stepmother (and she usually played another role of some sort) Casey was the princess, and Kenna filled in the gaps. What was I? The glorious narrator of course! I had the opportunity to reminisce and watch some of these plays about a month ago. As I was watching I had such a good time but it left me with one burning question: How in the heck could our families sit through our never-ending plays? Oh my gosh, they're hilarious to go back and watch but the plays dragged on and on and on. Our families were so patient! Kudos to them for all their years of patience. This year we'll be changing it up. It's a surprise to everyone but don't worry, I'll let you know all about it!

In other news, Girl's Camp is coming up and since my mom is the Stake Young Women's president I get to go in my home stake. I was supposed to just be the Music Director but low and behold because of different circumstances I am now also a level leader for one of the first year cabins. I've been making t-shirts, lessons, grab bags, and buying yellow things like a mad woman! Thanks to Pinterest and crafty/efficient mother I am almost completely ready to go! I'm pretty excited about it because I loved Girl's Camp growing up. 

Well, I definitely think this post is long enough! Summer will continue to be amazing as I spend it with my family and since I got to spend a week of it with my best friend Crystal in my hometown. Life is good. Holla!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Marital Status

So, I teach 3rd grade and let me tell you, it's the best job ever! There's not as day that goes by that I don't laugh at something hilarious that one of my student's say. That being said, I thought I'd share the wealth. As a little bit of background, my students are very concerned about my love life and you'll probably learn this for yourself over the course of my posts! Here's a couple of things that will make your day:

I was excited because I had finally gotten a hold of a Dollar Tree that had 4 more gumball machines to give as gifts for my kids for Christmas. They had shorted me by 4 gumball machines when I bought the original box of 28. After 4 calls, I came back to class feeling defeated. My kids were very concerned by my sadness. The 5th call I made was to a place in SLC which, to my utter relief, told me they had an entire 2 boxes left! I came back into my classroom saying, “I’m so excited!” Paulette, who is always concerned about my marital status, started the following conversation with, “What Miss Walch? Are you engaged?!” I sarcastically thought, “Yes, I have a pretend boyfriend who proposed over the phone." The conversation continued:
Paulette: "Did he propose over the phone?"
Me: "No! It has nothing to do with a boy or dating!"
Paulette: "Are you going on a date tonight with your boyfriend?"
Camdon (and I’m not lying. I couldn't make this up if I wanted to.) "Are you going on a date tonight with your ex-boyfriend that you haven’t seen in a long time?"
Me thinking: "What the? This kid watches too many soap operas."
Then I had to explain that it was a secret but they would find out by Friday. Nosy kids!

Dallin accidentally did the wrong cursive page and had to start over. This is our conversation:
Me: "It’s okay Dallin, it’s not the end of the world."
Dallin: "Soon!"
Camdon: "Oh no! I’m never going to get married!"

The Top 12 Things You're Never Too Old For...

First of all, let me start this post by saying my good friend Crystal told me I absolutely had to post this weekend. So, here I am, fulfilling my promise to her. She is, after all, the "creative director" behind the design on my blog. It is a shame not to write anything on such a cute blog though, isn't it? Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about some of my favorite things to do lately and many of them I've been doing since I can remember. There are just some things in life you're never too old for!

1. Sleepovers with your sisters
2. A Christmas Story and Home Alone 1 or 2
3. Dancing in front of a mirror with the bottom of your shirt tucked into the top (it's an instant belly shirt from the 80's!)
4. Being Santa's Helper.
5. Putting olives on your fingers before you eat them.
6. Making wax candles at the beach.
7. Your mom's cooking.
8. French braids.
9. Sleeping in.
10. Choosing something from your grandparent's treasure box.
11. Disney movies.
12. Otter Pops.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Let's see how this goes....

Let's face it. I'm not a very good blogger but after getting sucked into my adorable cousin's blog, I thought I'd try it from my own angle. I've had other blogs for school but this is just for me to post about life. Please bear with me as I figure this out.

Christmas was amazing. Spending it with my family couldn't have been better and I seem to forget how much I miss them until I am home again and when the time comes to leave. My dad and I have a ridiculously similar sense of humor and  I warn any and all who are around when we get together. We get a little out of control and "unrefined" seems to be the repeated word uttered out of my mother's mouth but I never laugh harder than when I'm home.

I'm enjoying my lovely break and I can't wait to spend the next week with my family. Life is less complicated at Christmas and the things that seem so troublesome in life become conquerable molehills. I'm grateful for the reminders of love and the Savior that Christmas brings and the people I get to share it with. Life is good.